High-resolution frequency measurement can reliably detect gear and bearing damage in gearboxes. However, certain conditions or basic data are necessary for this. The more external (non-gear related) disturbances there are, the less certain and less clear the measurement results become. Additionally, a temporarily constant speed is a prerequisite for a high-quality frequency analysis.
Ideally, for a gearbox, the bearing types and gear data for all shafts are known, and the speed can be accurately recorded. Except for speed, these data form the basis for preparing the frequency measurement. The speed is captured during the measurement by the HUEBER SERVICE measurement system and assigned to the measured values.
Two direct hindrances to good measurement results are disturbance frequencies and very low speeds. Both can lead to certain areas (e.g., the output stage – slow-turning stage) not being evaluated or only partially evaluated.

When is Frequency Analysis Useful?
• When there are vibrations on the gearbox, and their association with the gearbox has not been confirmed.
• After damage events around the gearbox and when the gearbox (usually due to workload or complexity) cannot be opened for endoscopy or damage analysis. kann.
• For a operationally relevant drive that has aged, and maintenance is under consideration.
• When opening the gearbox is very complex, and viewing through inspection ports does not provide sufficient information gain.

Frequency analysis is a measurement method that provides opportunities for early damage detection. The significant advantage of this type of analysis is that it can be performed while the system is in operation or without opening the gearbox, thus avoiding production downtime.
The decision to conduct endoscopy in parallel, as a pre-step, or subsequent to frequency analysis depends on data availability, accessibility, and urgency. With our years of experience and the provided information, we offer a tailored and individualized analysis for early damage detection in your drive system.

Further to Gearbox Service